本教程是由CGMW机构出品的数字艺术幻想插画制作教程,时长:2小时22分,教程使用软件:Illustrator,作者:Kekai Kotaki。

KeKai Kotaki是一个著名的插画和概念艺术家。KeKai在本教程将展示他在“激战2”创作过程中使用的各种技术,创造出美丽的数字幻想艺术。内容包括:从姿态,构图,意境,照明,阴影,角色设计。 KeKai还将谈论他作为一个插画和概念艺术家的经验。

CGMW Digital Fantasy Illustration Workshop with Kekai Kotaki
KeKai Kotaki is a renowned illustrator and lead concept artist at Arenanet, working on Guild Wars 2. In this workshop KeKai will rr-sc.com demonstrate his process for creating beautiful digital fantasy art using various techniques. This will consist of everything from gesture, composition, and mood, to lighting, shading, and character design. KeKai will also talk renrensucai.com about his experience as an illustrator and concept artist.


CGMW - Fantasy Illustration Workshop with Kekai Kotaki_20156141761 CGMW - Fantasy Illustration Workshop with Kekai Kotaki_201561417539 CGMW - Fantasy Illustration Workshop with Kekai Kotaki_2015614165211【下载地址】

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